We teach emotional mastery, healthy habits, leadership & purpose to develop young men into positive role models that have a lifelong desire for self improvement.
I always knew I would become some sort of coach.
Not consciously but there was always this desire deep down to help others. I still remember being in high school and a 'life coach' coming to speak with my year group. "What an awesome career, how does one even become a life coach?" I remember asking my dad...
"Well you have to first live some of your life" he responded.
When I finished high school I was a prefect, or school leader, captain of my high school basketball team, playing state AFL and reserves for the Sydney Swans. I always believed I would play some sort of sport, but after my draft year came and went it was obvious that wasn't going to be my path.
I was 18 and had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with my life.
I was lost and without direction, as most boys are when they leave high school. I studied sports management at a private college in Sydney but that wasn't for me either, I hated it!! Fast forward two years and the straw that broke the camels back ended up being a HORRIBLE breakup with my partner at the time that had left me broken, (not that I was able to admit it to myself or anyone else. After all, I am a man and needed to "get on with it".)

My drinking got worse, my studies declined, I stopped working out, quit my meditation practice and resigned to eating Oporto five times a week. The high school leader/sports star was all but a distant memory. I was a shell of the person I used to be.
I had gone from top of my game in high school to my absolute lowest. Was I just another dumb kid that had peaked in high school?
Finally, I put my hand up and said "I need help". I sought out a local psychologist by myself and organised an appointment.
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder and I'll never forget the feeling I had when I left that office.
"Ok Dylan, great, we now know we have a problem, that means we can work to fix it and get back to who we really are." I thought to myself.
...and then the secondary thoughts started to kick in
"who the fuck are you to be depressed and anxious? Your life is amazing, your parents are together, you haven't experienced any death or massive trauma, what the hell is the matter with you?"
Immense shame and the beginning of my healing journey had begun.
From here, I dropped out of UNI, fortunately graduated with an associate degree of business management, and moved down to Melbourne to be with my family as I started to delve deep into my own self development journey.
I studied health coaching and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) as well as any book and podcast I could get my hand onto. I surrounded myself with like-minded people and worked tirelessly on myself and my purpose.
I drew upon the experiences and lessons I learnt having grown up surrounded by Australia's most elite athletes.
I first started working with men alongside my father, Paul, with the creation of the Roos Men's Wellness & Leadership Club in 2018.
Next I co-founded The MoMENtum Lifestyle Project alongside Blake Worrall-Thompson and Janoah van Kekem in 2019. We ran two events before covid locked the whole world down and we moved our business online. The Roos Men's Wellness & Leadership club, after 5 sold out events, closed for business.
In October 2020 after 6 months of working on my program I launched and sold out my first ever Prince to King Mentorship and officially became a full time masculinity coach.